
Walkable Neighborhoods

People walking on a street motion blur

Walkability is a measure of how friendly an area is to walking.  A high walk score mean that you will have neighborhood restaurants, coffee shops, grocery stores, schools, parks, and more nearby.  It also means you will have more public transportation options.  (Walk scores range from 0 to 100, with 100 being the best.)

The Walk Score website reports that people who live in walkable neighborhoods weigh 6-10 pounds less.  Walkable neighborhoods can save residents a considerable amount of money, as cars are the second largest household expense in the United States.  Walkable neighborhoods are also eco-friendly, as 82% of CO2 emissions are from burning fossil fuels.  Short commutes reduce stress and increase community involvement.

For help in finding some of Denver’s best walkable neighborhoods with homes for sale, let Conscious Real Estate guide you in your next home purchase! To contact one of our agents, call 303-908-9873 or email [email protected].