Conscious Real Estate Supports Don’t Be A Monster Program
In one definition, bullying is when a person uses strength or power to harm or intimidate those who are perceived as weaker. As adults, this type of behavior would not be tolerated.
In fact, some of the things that kids these days experience can be described as assault, whether verbally, physically or in cyberspace. However, due to the age group of the parties, it’s often written off as “kids being kids.” No matter which solution you attempt, there are hardly any ways to “win” in a case of bullying. The target can tell a parent or teachers, yet they are risking ostracism and potentially increased bullying by “tattling.” They can stand up to the bully, but likely that is a situation that is intimidating beyond a remote possibility. They can ignore it, like many kids do, yet they risk severe mental disturbances, anxiety or depression by withstanding the abuse.
In Lighter News…
So far, the bullying situation looks grim in what we’ve discussed. But then, how can the community come together and offer some solution to the problem? In our minds, it comes from leaders such as the Don’t Be a Monster program, kids who stand up to it, and each and every one of us challenging ourselves to kindness even when it’s hard and we’re on our last fuse. One way to do this? A grateful jar! Each day or week, write down something you’re thankful for and at the end of the year you can literally count your blessings. Back to the bullying issues and how we help…
When leaders show what should be the norm of how we treat each other, it creates a positive influence on everyone.
The Don’t Be a Monster program features a “different” looking, but shy and kind “monster” who seeks understanding despite his outward appearance. Through role play and a sequenced presentation, the audience gets to learn how to include others and practice kindness. The program is help in September through October to coincide with the Halloween season, which is also National Bullying Prevention Month. Supported by the Haunted House Association and staffed by 13th Floor Entertainment which runs the notorious 13th Floor Haunted House each year, the program is a spooky way to address bullying and at a perfect time, near the start of the school year.
A Local Colorado Student Stands Up to Bullying
In recent news, one Denver student is taking the bullying problem to the next level of awareness (you freakin’ go, girl!). 16-year-old, Sabrina Inman, found her school to be not taking bullying seriously enough. So, the Highlands Ranch teen has been duct taping her mouth closed and holding a sign in silent protest of bullying at her school and in general.
“You would see kids crying in the bathroom and eating alone in the hallway, for half of the year last year, I was one of those people who sat alone,” she said. “I was being called names like rat and w—e and I still get called them [sic] today. I just thought enough is enough and that something needs to change,” said Inman.
Acts like this, while her school won’t release an official statement, bring awareness to the issues at hand and in a personal way. This girl is so strong! We support nonviolent acts like these because other ways, like this dad who forced his son to fight the school bully or these parents who sued the school bully just are not creating the type of karmic energy needed to fight anger with kindness. They are rather pouring heat on the fire and creating antagonistic behavior, as well as setting not the best example to their children. We like Sabrina’s approach! And, our approach at Conscious Real Estate… read more below.
Conscious Real Estate Supports Anti-Bullying
You might guess that we are not for bullying! We want to spread kindness and we know that one of the best ways to do this is to financially support the nonprofits and movements that work on these issues every single day. They are the ones who are reading the latest research, following the news, making positive connections with leaders in the community, and touching students’ hearts on a day to day basis.
In order to run their programming, they need financing. Many in-house nonprofit volunteers and staff spend their time soliciting donations, but there is another way that we can support the cause and that is working with us when you buy or sell a home.
We are a conscious company. To be able to call ourselves this, we donate 10% of every sale to a nonprofit of our clients’ choice.
Recently, broker Kimberly McAleenan was honored to be able to make, not one, but FOUR donations to the Don’t Be a Monster program to support anti-bullying! When you donate this way, you are able to make a much larger donation which allows nonprofits to make a large, necessary purchase and get the extra push they need to run operations. On average, our donations can generate more money than a small event, and are always about 10 times larger than typical one-time donations. Plus… it’s OUR money. Our donations are always from our personal commission made on your behalf.
In this video, Kimberly McAleenan presents her donation to Don’t Be a Monster. Learn more about their programming and exactly how the money will be used for school assemblies.
And…. Kimberly had the opportunity to donate FOUR times this year with a total of over $4K!!

SOLD!!! Kimberly McAleenan snaps this shot of a happy family moving into their new home, while supporting anti-bullying campaigns!

Don’t Be a Monster Program receives donation thanks to Conscious Real Estate Broken Kimberly McAleenan’s (center) help in matching home buyers with homes and causes with donations. Kimberly is making a huge impact in the community by donating FOUR times to Don’t Be a Monster this year alone.